Issues, Etc. App for Android

Comments: 4 Comments
Published on: December 24, 2011

For Issues Etc Fans I am finally ready to let a beta 3 version of the Issues Etc App for Android out.

UPDATE: Christmas Day 2011 midnight, there is an update that I encourage you do download it as there is a bug fix

If you have any bug reports and/or suggestions please email them to

Updates for this beta:
Support for Lutheran Public Radio (Sacred Music for the Christmas Season), Update to the UI updating when buffering on the playing so that it updates so that the user knows that it is not frozen but doing some work. A check box will show up when Issues Etc is on the air to let you select if you wish to listen to Issues Etc of Lutheran Public Radio, at all other times only the play button will be displayed and will only play Lutheran Public Radio. The visit web site button will take you to the Lutheran Public Radio web site unless you are listening to Issues Etc, then it will take you to Issues Etc’s Web site. If the audio is buffering on first play and the buffering is being shown the back button will now cancel the play request.

To install it follow the following instructions:
From the Home screen press the menu button
Select the Settings option
Select Applications
Select “Unknown sources” (this is to allow apps to be installed from outside the Android Market, I will put this app on the market at a later date when it leaves beta)
now you can open your browser to this website and select the link or use a bar code scanner on this bar code (to get a bar code scanner search the Android Market for “Google Goggles” or generic “Bar Code Scanner”)

Permissions asked for by this app:
Why: so the app knows when a phone call is received or made, so that it can stop the audio play back of Issues Etc so you can deal with your phone call with out IE playing in your ear at the same time you are trying to hear the other party on the phone.

Why: So that when you want to call the show and you press the dial button in the app, it can dial the phone for you instead of making it a 2 button process where you tell it to call, then you have to hit dial in your dial app, it will just dial the phone for you.

Why: so the app know when the phone starts up and can set up the notification for when the show is on.

Why: so I can access the audio data from the internet and bring it down to play the Issues Etc show when it is on.

Again if you have any bug reports, suggestions, please let me know.

  1. Steven K. Sylvester says:

    You may want to take the space out of the name – it breaks the link

  2. Steven K. Sylvester says:

    the link problem was just on the QR code, the link towards the top. Bless you for providing this.

  3. Michael says:

    Steven, could you help me understand the issue you are having witht the QR code could you give me an exact error message, as I am unable recreate the issue, and when I scanned it (google goggles) it works for me. So I request the following

    App used to scan the QR code, the exact error message.


  4. Michael says:

    Steven I see you have edited your original post, as to the issue with the space, I will have to look into that. But when I put it on the Android Market that should not be an issue for any one. As soon as Dan has the iOS version up on apples store I will be free to move this from my blog to the Android Market.

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