Referendum on the May 17 Ballot

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Published on: May 10, 2005

On the day of the Primary there is also going to be a vote on a referendum. It is being promoted as Growing Greener environmental bond. Since I have a bit of a distrust for referendum’s on a election, I looked further into the act that is in question. I found the text from the PA senate (warrning the link is a PDF) on the act. The good news is as the law is writen now, there should be no new taxes. This is going to issue bonds to raise the money for this act. Also they do, for the most part, spell out what the money is to be used for. I do have a bit of a concern about the phrase “other environmental initiatives” in the text, but for the most part I think this might be a good referendum to vote “Yes” on. We do need to be good stewards of the earth God did give us. So after looking into the text of the bill I think I will probably more then likely vote yes on this one.

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