Michael P. O'Connor archive
Date : February 2005

Backups are a good thing and save the day yet again.

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Published on: February 4, 2005

That was no fun I tried to upgrade the blog software I am using since the new once has image verification to stop spam bots. Well it did not work that well, I am just glad I did make a full backup of my blog before I started I just blasted the database and the[…]

Die spammers

Categories: Web Site
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Published on: February 3, 2005

I am getting tired of spammers. That is why I killed the guest book because I could not have a chance of approving or disapproving of posts. I doubt spammers will read this since they just use bots, they are no better the kiddy scripters. But if one ever does read this, you post will[…]

Windows is worthless

Categories: Technology
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Published on: February 3, 2005

I have to edit some files on my winblows box across network on a Linux box; well winblows will not let me write to the files from Linux, I have set the windows to share and the promotions to allow users to change files over the network. I mounted the winblows share on a Linux[…]

Live food for my fish

Categories: Aquarium
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Published on: February 2, 2005

Today I finally got some live blood worms for my fish, they seemed a bit cautious about them, but they did eat with vigor when they did eat them. I think part of the problem with them being so cautious about eating them was that I have the feeding ring close to the front of[…]

Took some more pictures of my fish

Categories: Aquarium
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Published on: February 1, 2005

I took some more pictures of my fish in my tank tonight. I picked up some new lights just for the task; I got some “work bench” lights. They are just some small lights that have a mettle cone around the bulb to direct the light to the area you want it at. I also[…]

February 2005
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