The last of my new computers

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Published on: August 18, 2004

Well looks like the last of my computers will come tomorrow. So I will get to set that up in the morning, I will be heading out to my parents place, I am going to go over later at their request since they are driving back from Florida today, in fact I called them at 1:30 and they were still an hour away from home. So they are going to be tired on the morrow. I am use to these strange night sleeps and, I lost the ability to do it for a while, but for some reason that ability has come back, I don’t like it to much but hay it is life. After I post this blog entry I probably will go and do an 6 or 7 hour reboot of my body. I plan on getting up at 9 so I can get to church for Matins at 9:30am. Back to the original topic of this entry, I will probably need another table for the new computer. or simply 2 2×4’s, I am leaning to the 2 2×4’s First they are cheaper, and second they are a bit more portable if I need to move things around. And finally they will take up less room. I figure I can put the 2 blocks of wood as a cross beam to bridge the two desks, and put the LCD screen on one of them and the key board and mouse on the other one. At that point the 2 oak desks I have will form a “U” with the wood boards connecting them and making the bottom of the “U”. If I do that, I will probably spread the two screens of the other desktops out more on the main computer desk, and move one of the laptops onto the boards with the LCD and keyboard of the gateway computer. Then spread the to laptops out a bit more for more room on the secondary computer desk. Well I will figure out what to do tomorrow, I probably stop by Home Depot to see what they have in the way of 2×4’s I would like some that are nice think Oak so that it will match my desks.

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