My head started to get bigger this week

Well this week my head started to grow to a large size, I had 2 people (one is the call screener for my favorit Radio Show “Issues Etc” and some other random guy) said they read my blog. The second guy was a person that works for CPH and we were talking about sheet music and I was talking about needing it in the key of D or G, for an instrument I play, he asked what it was, and when I said the Tin Whistle, he asked “Oh are you Michael P. O’Connor” (my name tag only had Michael O’Connor, and I had earlier said I was from Pittsburgh) I was shocked that some random person could guess my Middle Inishal, he did mentioned he has read my blog.

 Post details 

Categories: Misc (no other place to put this stuff)
Tags: No Tags
Published on: July 16, 2007

 © 2025 - Michael P. O'Connor