Picked up a book of Hymns this weekend

Up at the Easter District Conference CPH was there. They had a book out that was a collection of Hymns written by one Rev. Stephen P. Starke. I picked it up with the hope that it my have a few tunes I could play with on my Irish Tin Whistle. Also Rev. Starke was up there for the presentation on the new hymnal that the synod is putting together. So I was able to get Rev. Starke to sign my copy of the book.
Now all that is left to do is go though the book and find the tunes in it, that are in the key of D or G.
For those of you that might be interested the books title is “O Sing of Christ” and the ISBN number is 0-7586-0936-1

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Categories: Church Irish Tin Whistle
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Published on: June 17, 2006

 © 2025 - Michael P. O'Connor