Phone number in the Pittsburgh area for donate to the victumes of the Hurricane being relocated to the Pittsburgh area.

I saw this over at Pittsburgh Bloggers I am just going to cut-n-past it here below and link over to it.

“Due to the number of individuals and organizations that have extended a helping hand, Chief Executive Onorato announced today the creation of a hotline for residents who want to donate food, clothing, money, housing and other assistance to the victims of Hurricane Katrina. Please call CONTACT Pittsburgh Inc. at (412) 423-0202 between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. if you are interested in offering your assistance.”

“Individuals or families who have been displaced by Hurricane Katrina and who have temporarily relocated to our region may also contact the hotline if they are in need of aid.”

I personally spoke with a woman who is there at CONTACT Pittsburgh, and she was thrilled that the blogging community would become aware of the hotline. Please contact the above phone number and let them know how you’d like to help (food, supplies, volunteering, and even offering your home to refugees)!

On a related note, CONTACT Pittsburgh (normally) is a 24-hour Suicide/Crisis hotline that is always looking for volunteers. They offer 4-hr hour shifts and are very flexible to your schedule. They also could desperately use your help. You can view their website by clicking this link.”

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Categories: News
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Published on: September 7, 2005

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