
I have been putting together the core objects for the SWlogger program. I have so far defined the info I want to track, I am thinking the next step would be to build a testing interface. Once I get a test interface done, I will then go on to testing the interface and the core objects. After I am happy that the interface and core objects are good and correct, I will start with the database. I hope to have this finished by the end of September.

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Categories: Geekdom Ham Radio Short Wave Radio Stuff
Tags: No Tags
Published on: August 26, 2005


I have looked around the net for a Short Wave radio logging program. So far I have not found on that I liked. So I figured that this might be a great chance for me to work on learning SQL (mySQL). So I have started the program. Right now I am defining the classes, I am doing this via the data I wish to have stored and reported. So from here I am writing the objects around the data, and just putting a few accessors and mutaters in. After I have defined the basics of the classes, I will go on to the GUI, I probably will use FLTK, and it is the one GUI toolkit I know how to use. Then after that I will go on to figuring out how to read and write it to a database. I have contacted one of my ham friends about it and he said he would like to help, so I got another person on the project.

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 Comments (7) 

  1. Ya, I tried it to, I did not like it. so I uninstalled it.

  2. Braden says:

    Cool. So if you’re developing something on your own, I’d be more than willing to ‘test’ it for you, if you want. Being I am not much of a programmer, I wish I could help you more than that. Just let me know if you’re interested. Kudos to you for going on your own with this. If I had more programming experience, I’d probably go the same route you’re taking. 🙂

  3. That would be cool if you could help debug it when I get close. But you can also be a major help right now, what data would you want a logging program to record? Right now I am thinking: Date, time started, time ended, SINPO report, Freq, Notes, station call sign. What else would you want in such a program? Also the time that is record should it be Local, UTC, or user choice?

  4. Braden says:

    Actually, keeping it as simple and sweet by using the criteria you spec’d is good. I do find that the shortwave logging program I currently use is slow to start up, which annoys me. I think you’re off to a good start for now — if there’s anything else I can think of in the future, I’ll drop you a note.

  5. Max Rossin says:

    Ah SQL, the easiest thing on the planet to learn and one of the most useful. It’s bad english really… select field from database where field=value, you can’t get any more simple than that. Try writing software that generates dynamic queries, like the 50-line SQL statement that is dynamically generated using AND, OR, and NOT… not that’s fun with boolean logic =]

  6. Do you recommend a good library to use that is cross platform? I want to write on Linux, but since I know most people use windows I want to port it to Windows so others can use it.

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