Todays bike ride

Today was a good bike ride. I started out heading down to downtown, then I went up Liberty Av. then I caught up to Penn Av. I kept on Penn till it ended. I found myself up at Forest Hills, at that point I was lost. It was a great bike ride. I turned on my GPS, and told it that I wanted to go home, so it would point me to the right direction to head home. I biked for about 3 hours, and was out for 4 and a half hours. I got a nasty sun burn on my arms though. It was one of my best bike rides.

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Categories: Biking
Tags: No Tags
Published on: July 23, 2005

 Comments (2) 

  1. Jimmy Cerra says:

    The furthest I ever road on my bike was from my home in Penn Hills to the point downtown, then to South Hills Village via the T. I like biking from home, but I haven’t found a good way back so far (the furthest home I get by myself is Greentree… damn hills).

  2. Jimmy Cerra says:

    Correction: Greenfield. I get them mixed up alot, even though they are on opposite sides of town.

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